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August 20, 2011

The Jesuit Conspiracy: Rome, the Church and the Kingdom of Antichrist

Jesuit Conspiracy















































































New Audio CD Series

Adullam Films is announcing the introduction of our new Audio CD series that we hope to expand upon as time moves forward.  Based upon our new Noise of Thunder Radio program, we have developed 2 new CDs (in MP3 format) that can be listened to while driving in the car or on most regular CD players.  We based these two CDs on the two most popular subjects from our radio show and hope they will be a blessing to those who hear them.

“Freemasonry in the Church: the Worship of Christ or Antichrist?”


Audio CD (mp3) $14.95
Running Time: 4 hours 21 minutes

“I’m Lucifer!” exclaims an elderly man, “And I’m pure and virtuous, and holy!”  Incredibly, this same man goes on to say that he is a Christian, and insists that Jesus Christ is his Lord.   How can he be “Lucifer” and a follower of Christ?  “Because I’m out helping people,” he says. 

Such is the declaration made by a modern Freemason, and is indicative of perhaps the greatest spiritual cancer afflicting the Church in America today.  There are literally thousands of pastors, elders, deacons and regular members in churches that are involved in Masonry.  But is their worship toward the Lord Jesus Christ?  Or after the spirit of antichrist?

In this dynamic and powerful audio CD, documentary filmmaker Chris Pinto explores the issue of Freemasonry in the Church, and how this secret society is working to change the Gospel and undermine the Christian faith.  These audio selections are taken from the Noise of Thunder Radio program, hosted by Pinto himself, whose extensive research is based on years of investigation and interviews with some of the most influential leaders in Freemasonry today.  This CD contains over 4 hours of detailed teaching and information, presented as a resource for those who are trying to understand Masonry, and desire to witness to others.  Learn how Freemasonry may be working in your church today!

Freemasonry in the Church 5-pack:

Order a 5-pack of this new dynamic Audio CD and save! 
Audio CD (mp3) $40.00


“The Jesuit Conspiracy: Rome, the Church & the Kingdom of Antichrist”

Audio CD (mp3) $14.95
Running Time: 3 hours 23 minutes


"My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by unquestionable authorities … If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyola."  - John Adams, President of the United States

"It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests …"
Marquis de LaFayette, Revolutionary War hero

What did men like President John Adams and the Marquis de LaFayette know about the Jesuit Order that the rest of the world seems to have forgotten?  And how does this nearly 400 year old society affect the Church today?

The Jesuit Conspiracy is a powerful audio CD featuring the teaching and research of documentary filmmaker, Chris Pinto taken from the Noise of Thunder Radio program.  Discover the role of the Jesuits in the Great Inquisition, the American Civil War, Vietnam, World War II and Nazi Germany, and their working in the United States through the Ecumenical Movement, Dominionism and the New World Order.

The Jesuit Conspiracy 5-pack:

Order a 5-pack of this dynamic Audio CD and save!
Audio CD (mp3) $40.00



Update on “Tares Among the Wheat”

TaresPost production editing continues on “Tares” as we continue to assemble research and put this new documentary together.  The information is powerful and will, we hope, present a new and challenging perspective on the Bible versions controversy.  Please continue to pray for us, that the Lord will grant us wisdom and grace to set forth this work in a timely manner, and that it will bless and edify many once it’s finished.

We are reluctant to announce a date for the project’s completion, since research and editing go hand in hand for us.  We continue to hope that by this October we will have finished the work, or be very close to finishing. 

God bless!






Adullam Films
A Christian Film Ministry




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