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April 9, 2007

Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings: The New Atlantis

Secret Mysteries

Unfolds the fascinating history behind the founding of America, and exposes the esoteric underbelly of its design. If America was founded as a Christian nation, why are many of its symbols based on Pagan traditions?




























































At last, the work is accomplished and our new documentary, “Riddles in Stone: The Secret Architecture of Washington D.C.” has been completed.  This new documentary has turned out to be a three hour film, full of little known information about the design for America’s capital city.  From the reviews we’ve received so far, most seem to agree that this second volume in the “Secret Mysteries” series is much more powerful than Volume I.  We think the reason is partly because the film does not simply present the usual “conspiracy theories” about Washington D.C.  While many people are familiar with theories about the pentagram north of the White House, a Masonic square and compass that extends from the U.S. Capitol, and of course, the Washington Monument – few are aware of the esoteric philosophy behind the entire city’s design.  Once this philosophy is unfolded, it is easier to understand how this philosophy was employed in our nation's capital.

Over the past year, we have seen a number of documentaries on the History & Discovery channels that have attempted to debunk theories about Freemasonry and its influence in America.  Nearly all of these documentaries have focused, in part, on Masonry’s influence in Washington D.C. Because of this, we specifically sought out two of the Masonic experts interviewed in these presentations, along with a Masonic historian from British Columbia.  We also feature interviews with the current president of Manly P. Hall’s philosophical society in Los Angeles, CA.  Hall has been called “Masonry’s Greatest Philosopher” and we present startling evidence about his influence on the White House during the 20th century.  The esoteric speakers appear alongside our Christian researchers, and both sides defend positions for and against the idea of a “Masonic agenda” in America’s capital city.

Riddles presents many details that you won’t find on the History & Discovery channels!  You be the judge as to who is telling the whole truth.  Here are some of the reviews we’ve received about the work thus far:

"I have watched this twice now and each time I am stunned.
Simply put, it is the best video of its kind on the Masonic influence.
Certainly shames the Discovery Channel puff piece aired back in
February which used a straw man argument to dismiss critics of
Masonry.  I predict Riddles in Stone will be an award winner!"  
– Rev. Robert H. Reid, Berean Bible Fellowship

"This video is simply dynamite!”
- Larry Spargimino, Southwest
Radio Bible Church

"Every 10 minutes presents another jaw-dropping piece of information!"
– Pastor Joe Schimmel, Producer of They Sold Their Souls for Rock-n-Roll

"Breathtaking video. I am showing it to a friend who is working on
a PHD in US history and she is dumbstruck that she has not been
taught real US history." – Jay

“Riddles in Stone” sparks debate

Recently, Riddles in Stone was criticized by a professing Christian leader because it presented the occult side of America’s history.  As those who have already seen the film can testify, America’s occult influence is abundantly clear in the design and architecture of Washington D.C.  The position of this particular leader was that believers should be “restoring” America to her “Christian roots”; and that a documentary like Riddles, however true it may be, is not leading “the church” in the right direction.  In other words, the Pagan elements present in America should be smoothed over, or even ignored. 

Sadly, this approach mirrors that of many ministries.  Too many ministers are willing to twist the occult elements of our history & symbols to make it fit in with the concept of a “Christian nation.”  Perhaps the most dominant ministry based on this concept is David Barton’s Wallbuilders.  The name “Wallbuilders” (according to Barton) is a reference to the Book of Nehemiah, in which Nehemiah works to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.  This is the picture Barton gives for his ministry’s mission.  This same analogy has been used by other teachers who hold a similar ambition, and provides the perfect example for what is really happening.

In the Bible, there are two types of walls a person can build.  The first is that done by Nehemiah, in faith and obedience to God.  All sincere Christians will agree that restoring that which has fallen is the true purpose of the Gospel.  Yet, restoration comes through acknowledgment of sin followed by repentance.  Jesus made it clear that “except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:3) Encouraging our nation toward repentance and faith toward God might be a kind of wallbuilding.  However, there is a second “wall” mentioned in the scriptures.  This is a wall built by covering up the truth and encouraging people to believe lies.  Such a wall is described in the Book of Ezekiel where God says:

“Because, even because they have seduced
my people, saying, Peace; and there is no peace;
and one built up a wall, and, lo, others daubed
it with whitewash mortar;

“Say unto them who daub it with whitewash
mortar, that it shall fall …

“Therefore, thus saith the Lord God: I will
even break it with a stormy wind in my fury,
and there shall be an overflowing shower in
mine anger … So will I break down the wall
that ye have daubed with whitewash mortar,
and bring it down to the ground, so that its
foundation shall be uncovered, and it shall
fall … and ye shall know that I am the Lord.”

-- Ezekiel 13:10,11,13,14

Covering up the truth about America’s foundations will not do our country, or its people, any good.  Only by confronting those things which are an affront to God can Christians hope to help America.  Later on in Ezekiel, God describes the problem with the priests, who should have been standing up for the truth.  He says:

“Her priests have violated my law, and
have profaned mine holy things; they have
put no difference between the holy and
profane, neither have they shown difference
between the unclean and the clean …”

-- Ezekiel 22:26

Notice how the priests failed to show the difference between the holy things of God, and the profane things of the world.  In Ezekiel chapter 8, God takes the prophet through the Temple and shows him how the house of the Lord is profaned by many idols, which God calls “abominations” (v.6-10).  The refusal of the priests and the children of Israel to rid itself of these idols ultimately brought God’s wrath. This is very much the situation with America today.  The United States government, through its signs, symbols and architecture signals that it has rejected the Gospel of Jesus Christ and embraced the gods and goddesses of the ancient world – powers which the Bible calls demons (1 Corinthians 10:20).  This does not necessarily mean that the people of America have ceased to be Christian – many of them are, and have been from the beginning.

While we make it clear in our “Secret Mysteries” series that America had a Christian beginning with the Puritan/Pilgrim movement – its ideology was slowly changed by hidden forces at work within.  This did not begin in the 1960’s as many suppose, but was at work through secret societies from the beginning.  While Christians came to America to worship God in Spirit and in truth; the secret societies came to launch “The New Atlantis,” a philosophic empire that would one day extend to all nations.  It is for this reason that America is leading the current drive for a New World Order. 

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole
matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments;
for this is the whole duty of man. For God
shall bring every work into judgment, with
every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.”

-- Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

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